Smart Hands is an Erasmus+ project and a true strategic partnership between four European countries.
The project is a collaboration between expert partners House of Design (Netherlands), Way of Arts (Portugal), Scientifica (Romania), University of Eastern Finland and Open Education Community (Belgium) – together with four schools: OBS Singelland (Netherlands), AEJE (Portugal), Colegiul National Emil Racovita (Romania) and Kummun koulu (Finland).
The schools work together with different expert organizations to develop cross subject lesson material.

Contact Eileen Blackmore:
House of Design is a platform for sustainable design. Together with designers, entrepreneurs, policymakers, teachers and researchers we work on sustainable and innovative solutions for societal issues.
Design nowadays, is more than a product to solve or improve furniture or objects we daily use. In the 21st century design looks from a different context, is cross disciplines and focused on society. Design or art, or something in between; we focus on an open approach of design. Design also has the function to thing about our common future, discuss about issues, to reflect identities, to dwell on our daily culture and to experiment with new technologies.
By organising activities and exhibitions we want to show how design has its role in the development of our cultural heritage of the 21st century and how we can shape our future.
Contact Frank Hiddink:
The Open Education Community serves the needs of enthusiastic, dedicated teachers, trainers, students and other professionals in education with a community and sharing mindset and an international orientation. It is a vibrant network passionate about advancing Open Education. Derived directly from its mission and statutes, the Open Education Community aims to maximise the reach, impact and legacy of innovative educators.
Contact Ville Eronen:
The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is an international, participatory and inclusive scientific community. The are four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science and Forestry, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies.
The campuses are located in Joensuu and Kuopio. Within Smart Hands we work with UEF’s teacher training School. Established in 1882, this is a university-owned provider of basic, general upper secondary and teacher education. In addition to hosting 1300 students and 600 student teachers annually, relevant research, in-service training and developmental projects lie at the heart of our strategy.
The multiple networks, affiliation with the University of Eastern Finland and hundreds of student teachers all add to the innovative and dynamic atmosphere of the school. As a UNESCO Associated School, it is geared towards international contacts, such as Cern in Switzerland and Taizè in France, as well as with partner schools in Russia and China. We are proactive developers of educational practices, learning environments and pedagogic applications, providing a research environment for various faculties as well as companies with an educational focus. As a major provider of educational services and teacher training in Finland, we are part of the constant evolution of the educational field.
Contact Miruna Batin:
Formed as a collaboration between thinkers, visionaries and makers, Scientifica works to promote and sustain the public engagement with science, art and design. Our interdisciplinary projects encourage participants of all ages to experience and explore the power of discovery, curiosity and collaboration. Centred around new technologies, art & science, circular design and science communication, our showcases present actual themes and subjects in ways that will interest audiences young and old and empower them to learn through direct experience and through critical and creative thinking.
We develop and facilitate hands-on learning activities to support teachers in their aim of introducing science, technology and design into their classrooms and support pupils and students in “learning how to learn”. By doing this, we address the ever-growing need for STEAM Skills & Scientific Literacy as well as focus on building emotional intelligence and mental resilience in a technology-driven future.
Contact Gonçalo Leandro:
Way of Arts (AWAY) is a cultural engineering project. Its purpose is to overcome and achieve a permanent creative spirit, allowing Way of Arts to be an element in the cultural understanding of the 21st century. AWAY’s mission is to consciously hold and potentialize permanent and relevant cultural aspects, as their field of expertise involves conservation and restoration, crafts training and material study, and the artistic direction and organisation of cultural events.
Contact Maria da Glória Oliveira Gomes Neto Leite or Carla Manuela Felício de Carvalho:
The Cluster of Schools named AGRUPAMENTO DE ESCOLAS JOSÉ ESTÊVÃO works with pupils from 3 years old up to the adult population. In this cluster we also have another six schools besides the secondary on where we develop the national curriculum with special emphasis on Science, Arts, Sports and disability students. As it is a big cluster of schools we deal with different types of pupils who develop their skills in different places of our own city of Aveiro. In fact we deal with a huge range of different types of students because our social context is different since the schools have different localizations and their publics have different backgrounds.
Our Cluster of schools has a special role concerning the teachers and staff formation, education for life long living. Our Cluster of Schools is the head of the consortium responsible for the formation of teachers and staff who belong to the towns of Aveiro and Albergaria-a-Velha.
Contact Ariana-Stanca Văcărețu:
Colegiul National “Emil Racoviţă” (CNER) is situated in Cluj-Napoca, a city located in Transylvania. It has been established in 1919 and it is one of the oldest and most outstanding schools in the town, specialized in mathematics-computer science and natural sciences profiles, with some intensive study of English classes. Our school’s tradition sets a high standard for the students. The quality of the teachers and their commitment contribute actively to the promotion of culture and education. All the teachers are looking for new ways of using their experience and for improving the educational process as well as the involvement of the school in the community, changing the role of the school in the society.
The school promotes the identification and the development of each student’s skills to enable him/her to choose his/ hers most appropriate future and to adapt to a dynamic society. In the last years, the school community’s efforts have targeted the quality of education offered to each student.
Contact Maaike Bergsma:
OSG Singelland is a secondary school with six locations. The age of the students lies between 12 to 17 years old. It is a school for public education. We like to encourage our students and staff to debate philosophical questions, offering every student, no matter what cultural or religious background, a safe space to be heard. Therefore an open and respectful demeanour is paramount. Everyone is welcome.
The education is shaped in a way that each student can nurture and develop their unique and individual talents: with the head, the heart and their hands. This is also implemented in our newly presented school policy. At Singelland our goal is to raise and teach our students to become individuals with a spine: Self-assured people who are not afraid to make the hard choices and know how to handle a setback.
Contact Minna Haataja:
Kummun koulu has approximately 700 pupils in age 6 till 16 from pre-school to secondary school. Kummun koulu is the school of old mine town Outokumpu in eastern Finland. We have bit over 7000 inhabitants and lots of new technology companies especially in steel industry. Kummun koulu collaborates with Upper secondary school of Outokumpu and Riveria Vocational School in Outokumpu.
We have many teachers who teach in all areas: at primary, secondary, upper secondary and vocational level. So co-operation between schools is familiar. Riveria Vocational School in Outokumpu focuses on cultural and technological areas, example art, 3D-thinking & technology, game designing, radio & tv-production, media production, mining.