Pupils, teachers and experts fromthe partner organisations from NL, PT, RO and FI worked together on the SmartHands approach.
Creating multi disciplinary lessons adding tactility to theoretical learning. Educating inventive thinkers and makers to be ready for the always changing world!

This time the workshops were focussed more on the Smart technologies. The first workshop was an introduction to 3D modelling, using Tinkercad and an introduction of using electronics and sensors.
The second workshop the pupils had to combine different skills, challenging their multi-disciplenary thinking. They had to design a paper house with 3D windows.
They designed the windows using Artificial Intelligence putting different prompts in the online software, Dall-e2, to come to new shapes or combined shapes. The outcome of the prompts resulted in a unique design the pupils had to draw on paper. Then they had to turn the drawing into a 3D drawing, using Tinkercad.
This 3D drawing was 3D printed on Ultimaker printers of about 3mm high to use as a mould to press the window in thick paper so a 3D shape appeared in the paper. The paper was foulded into small houses in which electronics and sensors were placed that the light went on as soon as it got dark.
Quite a challenge!!
The pupils had so many different tasks that together formed one object, that we were curious of how the pupils would manage. No worries needed. The pupils managed very well. They helped each other if one got stuck.
We noticed that using the AI tool, Dall-e2, it gave the pupils new ideas of how to associate words to come to new shapes.
Besides all this the programme was full of fun stuff like cooking Karelian pies, visiting national park Koli, the old copper mine in Outokumpu and a Finnish sauna in the woods including a dip in the freezing lake.
After our visit we all felt a little sad because this was the last learning week of the SmartHands project.
Now we are so used of working online, we can continue co-operating together and set up online lessons and projects!